Preparing college
students for living a
Great Commission


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole
world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

What is Omega?

Omega is a 10-week discipleship experience designed to equip and mobilize college students for the sake of the gospel through intensive training and extended field ministry.

Omega 2024 Video Diary

Meet the Leadership

Kristen K. White, PhD

Omega Director

Dr. Kristen K. White is the chair and associate professor of international and intercultural studies at Belhaven University, where she teaches courses on intercultural communication and world religions. She graduated from Claremont Graduate University with a PhD in Higher Education in 2016. Her dissertation research was titled International Service-Learning: Faculty Engagement and Transformation. Previously, she served as the Director of Mobilization at California Baptist University (2005-2015), where she mobilized and trained more than 400 students, staff, and faculty annually to participate in International Service Projects and also served as a trustee for the International Mission Board from 2011-2016. Although currently residing in Jackson, Mississippi, she is an Oklahoman at heart. She has traveled to 56 countries since serving as a Journeyman with the International Mission Board for two years in Central Asia. Upon returning to the States in 2000, she relocated to San Francisco, where she completed two master’s degrees in Theological Studies and Intercultural Studies. She has volunteered as a coordinator, facilitator, and instructor of the Perspectives course, the president for UEGE (University Educators for Global Engagement), and an advocate for Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer. As a Colonial Heights Baptist Church member, she serves on the College Ministry Team and the Woman’s Advisory Council. Kristen’s ministry calling is to train and equip God’s people for acts of good service worldwide.


What can I gain from the experience?

  • Growth in personal discipleship
  • Growth in preparedness for full-time missions or ministry
  • Growth in personal relationship skills
  • Growth in making disciples of all nations

Who should apply?

College students or young adults

  • who have completed at least one full year out of high school (ages 18-25).
  • who have a clear testimony of salvation and continuing growth in Christ.
  • who have expressed a call from God to missions or ministry and/or have an affinity for missions or ministry.
  • who long to live out the Great Commission in a local and global context.
  • who are relational, positive, respectful, & humble.

What will the schedule be like?

  • Training: 3 weeks in Mississippi
    • Serving the church and community
    • Training in a biblical worldview, missions, & ministry
    • Morning & afternoon sessions
    • Evening/weekend Activities
  • 40 days in the field
  • Debrief & Celebrate
    • Debriefing as a team
    • Celebration with CHBC
    • Depart for home

What does it cost?

Thanks to a generous donation, we are pleased to announce that all state-side training expenses have been covered for the inaugural year of Omega!
  • Cost per participant: $7,000
  • Adjusted price per participant: $4,000 for Field Experience
  • Price includes airfare, travel insurance, exchange fees, food, lodging, transportation, international Covid test/medical, safari, and t-shirt

What does the application process look like?

  • August 2024 – applications for Omega 2025 open
  • November – Interviews begin
  • December – Notifications of acceptance and Training via Zoom begins


What other costs might be involved?
Passport, immunizations, transportation to & from training site in Mississippi, some meals, souvenirs

Do you provide scholarships?
No, but we will provide assistance with support raising as needed.

When is all the money due?
Payment schedule will be provided upon acceptance into the program.

Can married people apply? 